Saturday, January 26, 2008

My Girls...

I can't even begin to tell you how much I love these girls! The last 3-4 years of my life have been spent with Tricia,Jenny and Jen. They have been my closest confidants, traveling buddies, body bootcamp companions and we are the concert queens. I look at them and know that God gave them to me as a gift.

Jenny (picture above) got married over a year ago and moved to Yakima, WA. We still talk weekly and never miss a beat with eachother. She brought her daughter Olivia down for a few weeks and Grandma babysat last night so we could all go out and have a little reunion. It was so sweet. I love you girls and love it that you are in my life!

*Today I am thankful for Jenny's husband Brian. That he allowed her to come down and spend time with her family and friends while he's working hard up North! Holla Brian!


Jenny M. said...

I am thankful for Brian too! He's the best! Last night was sooo fun and it made me realize how much I love and appreciate my bestest friends...

I hope you can come up and visit soon! Love you.

Julie Gebhards said...

Hollie, your blog makes me happy!! Thanks for sharing your heart with all of us, you are a blessing! Let's get together again soon! ~Julie