Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Would You Rather Wednesday?!?!?!

Would you rather be blue the rest of your life or feel blu the rest of your life? Death is not an option. Before you answer you may want to read:,2933,317564,00.html

*Today I am thankful that I am not blue and thankful that I don't struggle with feeling blue.


Jonathan Holmes said...

oh dear...feel blu for the rest of my life. i would hate to look like that!

Anonymous said...

Feeling blu though would be so depressing....where if you were blu you could have true joy?!?! Just a thought.

Wendy Penberthy said...

there was a man on Oprah that was blue, it was freaky... I think after seeing him I would rather be blu

Anonymous said...

This is a tough call. I think I would rather be blu- because if I looked that I think I would feel that way anyway and eventually I would have to be shipped to a pysch ward because I would develope some OCD where I constantly tried to wash off the blue.