Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Would You Rather Wednesday?!?!

Would you rather vomit quarters or sweat cheese? Death is not an option. Things to consider: projectile vomiting, jogging, the flu...

*Today I am thankful for my new roommate. We are having fun!


Jenny M. said...

Definitely not vomit quarters...I hate throwing up, so cheese please!!

jens3mkc said...

cheese please....because then at least I would be getting rid of extra calories at the same time!! Plus quarters may hurt my throat, I prefer the smooth/cheesy like vomit!

Sarah Ikegami said...

Hollie, I think it's hilarious that one of the things to consider is're so funny! I've thrown up once in 18 years. I will go with the quarters. I sweat too much and some cheese really stinks.
Love You!

Wendy Penberthy said...

i agree, i don't throw up much so i'd take the quarters!

Nathan Keith said...

QUARTERS!!! You don't even have to ask considering how much I sweat.

Happy Hollie said...

Ohhh NATE! I forgot about that! How i miss those days! :)

Anonymous said...

I think I would want to vomit quarters....cheese already smells bad enough.

Julie Gebhards said...

How about vomiting cheese and sweating quarters? I love cheese so tasting it twice would be nice. JUST KIDDING! Sick. I'd rather sweat quarters. I know that was not one of my options.

Anonymous said...

I would so totally vomit quarters... I'd make myself throw up only to pay off student loans faster.