Monday, November 26, 2012

Just call me Martha....Martha Stewart that is!

 I am SOOO kidding! As you continue reading you will understand. Last Christmas Hugh bought me a sewing machine and it wasn't until this LAST weekend that I did anything with it. I wanted one so I could make crafty things for the home! Hugh's mom showed me some of the basics when she was here and I was off! My starter project was a heating pad. After my first stitch (shown below) the thread came out. It took me (and Hugh) 45 minutes to figure out i was turning the hand wheel the wrong way to get it threaded correctly! Now should we talk about this stitch? Yeah, let's not....

After I got over that hurdle I was off and the finished project was a success. I filled it with rice (pour some good smelling oil on the rice) throw it in the microwave for 90 seconds and you have a great heating pad!


Kelli said...

Great job!

mom said...

Good job Martha

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