Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Would You Rather Wednsday?!?!

Would You Rather sleep for a week with a room full of rats or eat a whole cow intestine in one setting?!?!?! Death would NOT be an option.

*Today I am thankful for team work!


Sarah Ikegami said...

Eeww! This is so hard, Hollie! I think sleep with the rats. Both are brutal.

Anonymous said...

Eww....I think I would do the cow parts just to get it over with.

Jenny M. said...

Sick girl! The cow...they use it in Mexican cookingand make a really good soup, supposedly! Prob wouldn't be on a MexiCali menu....mmmmmm miss that place!!!

Steve Crawford said...

Cow Intestine. I'm part scottish, so tripe is somewhat appealing.