Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Would You Rather Wednesday?!?!

Would you rather have such a love of dancing that at the sound of any music you feel compelled to do the Conga (this stemming from your inability to control yourself any longa) OR have an extreme phobia of vegetables and anyone named Rhonda? Death is not an option.

*Today I am thankful for my friend Patty who is without a dobut a gift from the Lord.


Bill and Jenn said...

Hollie, where do you come up with these things?!? You crack me up.
And I'll vote just to humor you....
I vote vegetables. Seems like it would be easier to avoid veggies and Rhonda than all music.
We are WAY overdue for a lunch...
I'm usually available MWF (with both kids) anytime, or T/TH (with only Tori--Lexy's in school) from noon until 1:15ish. Let me know your schedule!
Miss you!

Anonymous said...

Give me the Conga please.

Anonymous said...

Option B. My dad has a cousin named Rhonda whom I am already not so much a fan of anyway... win-win situation.

Cherie Baker Vann said...

shoot, my sister in law's name is Rhonda, so that is out...drat!!

Sarah Ikegami said...

The conga can be fun, count me in!