Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Would You Rather Wednesday?!?!

Would you rather be sleep deprived for 72 hours or without food or water for 72 hours? Death is not an option.

*Today I am thankful for a solid nights sleep!


612 SW 50th Street said...

Since I'm in hard core weight loss right now, I'd pick without food and water. I just don't function on no sleep.

m.e. said...

I have to agree with Kyle. At first glance I might have said no sleep. But after the first day and a half or so, that would be brutal. I know I can survive easier without food and water for that long (who hasn't had the flu for at least 72 hours?).

Anonymous said...

I couldn't go for 72 hours without food or water because of the migrain situation I have... Then again - I get horrible migrains without sleep... I think this is a lose, lose situation for me.

The Parsons' blog said...

I'd rather go without sleep. Come on people, that's 3 days with no food OR water, think about how dry your mouth would be.