Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Would You Rather Wednesday?!?!?!

Would you rather have uncontrollable irregular bowel movements (only once a week) or have daily uncontrollable bouts of flatulence? Death is not an option. Note: This is (literally) a stinky one to have to choose but you must. Don't be embarresed just answer.

* Today I am thankful that I don't have irregular uncontrollable bowel movements OR uncontrollable flatulence!


Megan Schenk said...

I think I would go with optioin A... at least it would happen in private - option B has the potential to be in public! No thanks!

Sarah Ikegami said...

The once a week least it could be expected and kept controlled...I guess :)

Happy Hollie said...

So my mom wouldn't post a comment but this is the email i received from her...

"Are you nuts girl? You need to get a hobby. You are thinking too deep."
