Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Would You Rather Wednesday?!?!

Would you rather be homeless for a year living on the streets in Los Angeles or live on a secluded island (like Survivor) with your best friend for a year? Death is not an option.


The Parsons' blog said...

Secluded island for sure! Especially since my best friend is my husband.

Megan Schenk said...

Secluded island for sure! Hollie I miss you - COME BACK!!!

Sarah Ikegami said...

Definitely the island!
Can't wait to hear all about Uganda!!!!

Wendy Penberthy said...

the island.... we miss you too!

Kelli said...

Hol, WE MISS YOU AND WANT YOU TO COME HOME! Have you met anyone from the Passion Conference over there? You are all there at the same time. Have you seen Francsis Chan? I think he is there in Uganda with Chris Tomlin right now. that would be fun if you met them there.

Anonymous said...

I would pick the island- well maybe if I had a sweet box to live in on the streets I'd pick that. :) Hollie come home soon! I miss you- it is no fun when you are away! I love you and am praying for you! Tricia