Tuesday, November 27, 2007

So Much To Say...

When I sent out the email letting people know about my Blog I started feeling a little anxiety as I began to feel completly exposed. The people in my office started shouting sentiments of encouragement as i pressed send. It is a little nerve wracking but I must admit I'm getting into this. My mind is constantly thinking of things to Blog about. This will be fun. I'm going to implement a "Person of the Week" Be checking back in a few days to see who my first person is.

Today as I was doing my quiet time I was thinking about the blessings of life and the different people the Lord has given me. I believe that it's very important to tell someone you love them or care about them if you really feel that way. And tell them the reasons why you appreciate them (hence my soon to be "Featured Person the Week")

So your assignment today is to tell someone that you love them and tell them why you love or appreicate them. Don't be scared to do it. Just Do it. It will mean a lot to that person.

Today I am thankful for morning coffee. It tasted sooo good this morning and hit the spot. Thanks Tricia. (I appreciate you for making the coffee this morning....and many other reasons to come later.)


Wendy Penberthy said...

I like your assignment, the funny thing is, is that I just wrote Kelli this morning telling her the top 10-15 reasons I love her and our friendship!! It was fun to do and funny at the same time, we had a good laugh!

612 SW 50th Street said...

I am honored to be your first person of the week...your only brother. Thank you so much for what you're about to write about me. Seriously, it means a lot. Thanks in advance. I love you too!

Kelli said...

Hollie, I love your blog and what you are doing with it. It will really be fun to read. Kyle is a brown noser and is just trying to get some publicity...remember that. I think it would be funny to keep him from being the person of the week for a whole year! Hee Hee

Anonymous said...

I love your blog. It sounds like I am talking with you. And...yes, I laugh out loud. Per your sister, no microphone is needed.
Love you, MaryAnn

Jonathan Holmes said...

oh hollie...great blog post. you're such an encourager...if i had a blog, you'd totally be a person of the week :)

Julie Gebhards said...

Happy Hollie! I'm so glad you're blogging! I love it! I'm going to put you on my friends list! Love you! Julie