Friday, February 20, 2009

Voda's Here...

Voda is here for the NASCAR race this weekend so I drove down to meet up with her last night. One of our best friends from high school Matt and his wife Roby came and met us for dinner. Matt and Robyn live in Newport Beach area and that's who I stayed with last week when I was down in So. Cal.

It was so good to see Voda and spend a little time with her. I'm so proud of all of her accomplishments. You could of seen her on Fox this weekend interviewing for the Daytona 500. It is always good spending time with friends.

*Today I am thankful that it's Friday!


Jenny M. said...

Tell her we'll be watching. I can't believe she met TC!!

Julie Gebhards said...

hi friend! let's get together soon! wed night?