Monday, June 7, 2010


Monday was mostly spent in seminars all day. We are learning some good stuff and making some meaninglful connections. It's also good to re-connect with people we have met over the years. Our last sesssion ended at 4:00 today and Johnny, Kristin and I headed to workout. We went to dinner and then we excitedly went to participate in NACCAP games. They split us up into different teams and we each participated in goofy games. We were ALL SO EXCITED to do this but we had to represent the Mighty Mustangs in a big way!

Needless to say Johnny and I took one for the TEAM. They had 10 different games that we all had to participate in and he got injured rolling a big tractor tire. Actually, as you can see the tire rolled over him. I was a human target for a hula hoop and got bruised all over my body as they hurled them at me and got wacked in the eye which is turning into a nice shiner. What we wouldn't do for TMC! Kritin's highlight was throwing and catching a cows tongue and let me tell you that is the longest most disgusting tongue you could ever imaging coming into contact with.
I think the highlight for the three of us is not only getting to spend the week together as co-workers but as treasured friends. It's been a blessing.

1 comment:

The Parsons' blog said...

Awesome! Represent, Hollie and Johnny! :) And I laughed about the cow tongue. Every time I take the kids to the grocery store, and I mean every time, we have to stop and look at the nasty tongue. Ha! Funny. I hope you're doing good, Hollie! Give Caleb lots of kisses when you see him. :)