Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Vacation...

I LOVE CHRISTMAS vacation. It's only day two but I feel like I've gotten a lot done. The BUMMER is that I am sick. I should of rested all day Saturday because my cold got worse. I got to spend the morning with Ivy. Kelli dropped her off at my house in the morning and we went birthday and Christmas shopping together. We also went out to lunch at her favorite restaurant  PANDA EXPRESS. :) Love that girl.After all of out adventures I took her home where I got to love on Lucy. She is such a snuggler. I love it.

Last night I put on my sweats and headed to Lynn's. We had such a nice relaxing night with the boys. We put them to bed at 7:30 and sat on the couch with our tea and cozies and just talked. I LOVED it! I left so encouraged and it was so good to be with such a treasured friend talking about all the Lord is doing in our lives. LOVE YOU LYNN! I hope I didn't contaminate your household.

Today I woke up and my cold moved to my chest. NICE. My head cold is now a blown out cold. It has turned into such a GREAT day though. I spent a good portion of the morning with the Lord. I'm studying the attributes of God which has been so good for me. I've noticed that the days that are hard for me and the days when I am not in the Word like I should be. You think I would learn a thing or two by that! I also have gotten some much needed crafting done today. What a SWEET DAY of rest.
I also got to talk to my mom who told me my dad fell on ice at home at broke some ribs. He is in a lot of pain so please pray for him if you think of it.


mom said...

Love ya Hollie!

Kelli said...

I love you too!

hihouhi said...

I hope this Christmas season, I can get a surprising gift in my daily life. Like a blocker of cell phone, a crazy car DVD layer,etc.