Monday, November 19, 2012


I absolutely LOVE my husband! I got back last Thursday after being back in California for 10 days and walked into the house with the above signs. On the back of each note Hugh had written me little notes on why he was glad to have his wife back! :) Seriously HOW ROMANTIC! :) THEN on the counter he had a envelope with a gift card and a note to pack my bags because he was taking me away for the weekend.

He planned our weekend away in Richmond which is a little over two hours. We left Friday afternoon and got there around 4:00. We got checked into our hotel, went to dinner and then  a movie. On Saturday, we went shopping and Maggiano's for dinner! There was even a Hobby Lobby which I got SO EXCITED about. That was a learning experience as Hugh and I came to the full realization that we have different tastes! :)

Saturday night we had a night at home and continued watching LOST. We started this on our honeymoon and just finished season 4. We have settled on a church Heritage Baptist and decided on a sunday school. This is exciting as Hugh and I are starting to make church friends! :) We invited our leaders over next Sunday after church for lunch, It was such a fun weekend and I was reminded time and time again what a blessing marriage is and what a bigger blessing HUGH is! 


Unknown said...

Your outfit is actually very cute. Work it girl!!

fifa-coin said...

Reggie ended up being instrumental to help your right now recaptured children get away initially, yet he is seemingly stood a alter of heart since then.He has been anxiously trying to work his / her in the past in to the principal group however he can, plus this example, he is been tasked with observing during these fresh arrivals and also making certain they certainly what they're told.Reggie will become your own supervisor associated with varieties, even though the group isn't merely one out there.

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شركة مكافحة الحمام said...

اذا كنت تعانى عزيزى القارئ من مشكلة تجمع الحمام فى نوافذ منزلك وعلى الاسطح وعلى اسوار الحديقة فقط كل ما عليك هو الاتصال بشركة مكافحة الحمام 0509168319- لأننا شركة مكافحة الحمام بالدمام متخصصة فى مجال مكافحة الحمام
ووجود الحمام فى النوافذ يتسبب فى حدوث اضرار كثيرة بجانب الشكل الغير جميل للمكان نجد انها تخلف الريش وبعض من انواع البكتيريا التى تسبب تآكل المبانى الخرسانة حتى تصل الى الحديد المسلح الموجود فى الجدران ويآكل هو الاخر وينتج عن ذلك حلول اضرار جسيمة للمنزل , وليس هذا فقط بل واكثر من ذلك لأن الحمام يتسبب فى وجود الامراض لاصحاب المنزل .
لذلك تقوم شركة الرياض كلين للخدمات المنزلية بتركيب الطارد المعدنى المدبب ناحية الخارج والذى يمنع من وقوف الحمام على اسطح المنازل والنوافذ ويطرده بعيداً نهائياً .
ونضع الطارد المعدنى الوطنى المصنوع من المعدن الخالص الذى يتحمل التغيرات الجوية فلا يصدأ .

ولا يقتصر عملنا على مكافحة الحمام فثقط بل نحن شركة متخصصة فى العديد من الخدمات مثل
• مكافحة جميع انواع الحشرات .
• تنظيف فلل وبيوت وقصور .
• تنظيف جميع انواع المكيفات .
• تنظيف الكنب والمجالس .
• تنظيف السجاد والموكيت .
• تنظيف الستائر والاقمشة .
• نقل العفش مع الفك والتركيب والتغليف والتخزين .
• تسليك المجارى .
• شفط بيارات المياه .
• تنظيف وعزل خزانات المياه .
• رش مبيدات .
• رش دفان .